
You were the steady hand guiding our family. You knew the ropes and expedited everything from the logistics of getting our son to the best program, to matching our son’s needs with the best therapist. you helped give us the tools to save our child’s life.
— Karin G., Parent

We’ll never forget the dramatic impact that you had had in our lives. We realize that in your line of work there are no guarantees. However, there can be life altering outcomes. Thank you for giving us a chance and thank you for giving us our son back.
— Craig and Betsy M., Parents

I have received universally and extremely positive feedback from many highly stressed families that I have referred to Andy. Many of my families seek counsel regarding high-quality residential treatment for their severely impaired children and teens, and I have supreme confidence in Stratas Consulting Group as an excellent, consistent, and comprehensive resource.
— Matt A. Sloane, DO, Behavioral & Developmental Pediatrician, Portage, MI

Andy and Paula became experts on our daughter, leaving no stone unturned when it came to gathering information and assessing her past, issues, and diagnosis. We can’t thank them enough for all their knowledge, help, availability, and most importantly for finding the best place to meet our daughter’s needs.
— Andre and Naomi A., Parents